Project Overview

Motobu Story Quest is a private EV taxi service, offering visitors an opportunity to experience Okinawa's natural environment. Through this service, we aim to establish an environmentally conscious and sustainable tourism model.

Current State of the Taxi Industry

The taxi industry faces challenges of an aging workforce and labor shortages. Operating EV taxis, in particular, requires more ingenuity than conventional vehicles, such as securing charging time and adjusting shifts. Under these circumstances, our drivers are dedicated to operating EV taxis, contributing to environmental protection.

Revenue Sharing Initiative

Motobu Story Quest has implemented a system to share a portion of the project's revenue with the drivers. This serves as compensation for the additional burdens associated with operating EV taxis and recognizes their contribution to environmental protection.

Contribution to Sustainable Tourism

The use of EV taxis contributes to the protection of Okinawa's natural environment. We also believe it provides an opportunity for our guests to raise their environmental awareness.

Okinawa's Power Situation and Future Outlook

Currently, Okinawa's power supply mainly depends on fossil fuels. However, there is an ongoing plan to increase the ratio of renewable energy to 26% by 2030. This is expected to further reduce the environmental impact of EVs.

Introduction of NFT Digital Stamp Rally

Motobu Story Quest is implementing an "NFT Digital Stamp Rally" as a new tourism experience. This initiative has the following features:

  1. Discovery and Deep Understanding of Okinawa's Hidden Charms: Visitors can explore hidden spots known only to locals, which are not found in typical guidebooks. Each spot comes with detailed explanations about its history, culture, and nature in five languages. These explanations are attached as metadata to the NFTs, allowing easy access at any time. All explanatory texts were created with the full cooperation of Motobu Town.
  2. Contribution to Sustainable Tourism: By guiding visitors not only to popular tourist spots but also to lesser-known places, we help mitigate the concentration of people in specific areas, addressing the issue of overtourism. This contributes to the realization of sustainable tourism throughout the region.
  3. Record of Clean Travel: The NFTs are not just travel memories. They function as proof of sustainable travel, including environmentally friendly transportation via EV taxis, detailed exploration of the region, and contribution to reducing overtourism. By preserving these activity records as NFTs in a semi-permanent digital format, they serve as evidence of visitors' contributions to environmental protection and sustainable tourism.

This NFT Digital Stamp Rally serves as a new form of tourism tool for deeply learning about and experiencing Okinawa's rich culture, history, and nature, while also acting as proof of participation in sustainable tourism.

Significance of the Project

Motobu Story Quest is a project that simultaneously achieves environmental protection, sustainable tourism, reduction of overtourism, and support for local employment. Furthermore, through the NFT Digital Stamp Rally, we offer opportunities to discover and deeply understand Okinawa's hidden charms. By using this service, visitors can actively participate in these initiatives.

Choosing an EV taxi and participating in the NFT Digital Stamp Rally is not just about transportation or sightseeing. It's an environmentally conscious action that supports the people operating these services, addresses the issue of overtourism, and leads to the discovery of new charms of Okinawa. These activities are recorded in the form of NFTs, serving as proof of contribution to sustainable tourism.

Enjoying Okinawa's beautiful nature and rich culture while taking a step towards a sustainable future, and preserving that experience for the future - this is the new form of travel proposed by Motobu Story Quest. Through this initiative, we continue to explore new ways of tourism while protecting the allure of Okinawa.